Monday, February 25, 2013

Waiting (Part 2)

We are officially waiting on God's timing for Future Baby #2.  We are finished with our homestudy and to the point where every time the phone rings, I lose my breath for a second.  It's a crazy place to be.  It could be tomorrow or months from now, but at some point we will get a phone call that will change our family's lives!  It's a scary place to be.  You never know what will happen, and if we might have our heart's broken.  But I'm so happy that we have a faithful Father who will never give us more than we can handle.  Every day is a day of grace.  Adopting Jordan was worth the risk, and we know that when we get #2, we will be able to look back and see God's perfect timing in our lives and our family. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fun With Family!

This week, Blake's older brother and his family have been in Oklahoma.  They live in Seattle, so whenever they come to Okie-land they like to soak as much as they can in.  We've been to the Braum's Farm to take a tour, visited the zoo, ate at Pops, and visited the Round Barn in Arcadia.  We also had family pictures taken and are still anxiously waiting to see them!  Here are some pictures from our time with them:

Jordan enjoying the view!

The Caped Crusader!

The cousins meet again after a long 5 minute car ride apart!

Eating at Pops!

Zoo time!

Riding in style!

They let the animals visit the zoo!


We still have another week of fun to go.  It's hard to imagine what else we're going to accomplish this week!  The nice thing is that Jordan is so tired that his naps have been very, very long!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jordan's First Birthday!

It is hard to believe that our sweet boy is one!  He turned one on Thursday and it was a celebration-filled two days.  On Thursday we spent time with Jordan's friend Brielle and then his great grandparents came by.  The afternoon was topped off by a visit from Aunt Abby!

Papa Bill is a baby magnet!
Then on Friday night we had a pirate party to celebrate!  The house was rocking with all of the pirates and vagabonds who showed up to party.

And Jordan got more toys than he knows what to do with...

He got to sample chocolate cake, which wasn't his favorite.

He actually preferred the plate!

Thanks to everyone for being a part of this special year in our lives!  We're hoping to add a sibling to the crew before too long.  (No news yet, just waiting!)