Friday, February 7, 2014

Jordan is Two!

I'm sitting here looking at my little boy and realizing that there's no going back.  No more Baby Jordan.  Although I'm a little nostalgic, I am so thankful for the little boy that he is.  And I look forward to see God use him as he grows up.  I pray that Jesus will capture his heart, because he is a special little boy.  He is charming and sweet and spunky.  He has impeccable timing with his humor.  Jordan is a gift from God that we are celebrating today!

Jordan is a miracle in so many ways.  I am in awe at all the Lord had to do to preserve his life until birth.  God created him a unique little person and protected him when no one knew about him and then when some tried to pressure his birthmom to have an abortion.  He endured some scary stuff in the womb and came out perfectly.  I am thankful for his birthmom every day for choosing to continue in a pregnancy that could have cost her life.  I am thankful that they chose us to be his parents.  I am thankful for the way that they trusted us to raise him. 

Jordan's smile is precious.  Even a half-smile will melt your heart!  He has big brown eyes that sparkle when he is being silly.  He is dramatic and passionate.  When he's happy, he's happy.  When he's sad, he's sad.  He loves hard and fights hard!  He loves his Daddy more than anything.  The moment he comes home from work is the best moment of the day.  And when Dad is gone, it is a never ending stream of asking "Where's Dad?"

Jordan still is a terrible sleeper.  That hasn't changed from day one, but now we are used to it!  If he had his way, he would never be alone in his bed.  He has about 8 stuffed animals in there to keep him company, but if I would let him, he would sleep in bed with us.  But I don't let him...because I would never sleep.  He likes to be WITH people, which means he is curled up against my back or has his legs on top of my head.  This boy is a snuggler!  And every morning when he wakes up, he spends the first 15-30 minutes just snuggling.  If you skip that part, it gets him in a mood that you don't want any part of!

Jordan loves basketball, Elmo, trains, plains, trucks, and pretty much anything else a boy can love.  He loves hats.  He loves playing games.  If you play with him, he will be your best friend for life.

Jordan is just now starting to talk.  He is a good communicator, so maybe he just figures he doesn't need words.  He has an ever-growing vocabulary and every time he adds a new word, it just adds to his cuteness! He is an expert at animal noises, though! Lately, he loves reading.  As a mom, this is one of my favorite things!  You hope and hope that they will like to read, but don't know how to achieve that goal.  Well, he loves his books.  He more possessive of his books than he is his toys!

Jordan is fearfully and wonderfully made.  We love our little man so much.  Life just would not be the same without him.  It is crazy around here sometimes, but I could not ask for more.  We love you, Jordan Jack!!

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