Saturday, December 21, 2013

First Haircut!

It was time for this little man to get his first hair cut!  He has always been cute, but he started looking a little shaggy.  The reason I let it get so shagged out is not, it was financial.  I was not looking forward to the day where I had to pay to have his hair cut.  We finally decided that we would do it for his first we could watch and learn.  Well, we did watch and learn...that we are going to be paying for his haircuts!

Here's the reason why...

Yep, that's what he did the whole time.  Poor kiddo!  We took him to a "kids only" place and they were very patient with him.  They had a movie and bubbles and a truck...but nothing could cheery this poor boy up.

Not even his first sucker!

But, as soon as it was over, he was good to go.  He laughed at the bubble blowing...he played with the truck and he got a prize!

In the end, I did tear up just a little.  My baby has turned into a little boy and there is no going back.  I don't know how to slow time down, but I'm willing to pay a little extra to make that happen! :)

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