That being said, this week was all about Blake. Sometimes I feel like I've got this thing down and I have to coach Blake through. And then a week like this one comes, and I'm humbled! I'm right most of the time, but Blake came through this week. Our poor kiddo was apparently going through a growth spurt and I was trying to starve him! I was so focused on working with him on naps in his crib, so I thought all of the fussing and not sleeping was a nap issue, but alas, it was not. Blake spent one hour with us during the day and diagnosed the issue and everything was all better. Jordan was just needing to eat sooner! Whoops! I guess that's why God designed it for two parents.
I seriously could not do this without Blake. He is such a good Dad. He gives me the opportunity to go for runs and to spend time with my girlfriends every so often. And most importantly, he gives me chances to sleep on the weekends!
This weekend we went down to Gainesville/Lindsay, Texas for a family wedding on Blake's side. It was fun to introduce Jordan to a whole batch of family members. If anyone ever accuses Jordan of not being loved, they don't know what they're talking about! I always enjoy being around family because I love to watch people love on our kid. It's so rewarding. The only bad part of the weekend was staying in a hotel. Usually Jordan is pretty solid at nights, but he decided to be awake and fussy at 2 am. It's funny how prepared we were...we had a pack-n-play & a swing, and he ended up co-sleeping for the first time ever. I guess desperation will drive you to that. We had two beds so he slept with me at night (since I'm a light sleeper and won't elbow him in the head) and with Blake when I got up in the morning. It was so cute! (And will never happen again...maybe). We were happy to be home and put him back into his own crib. We're all alot better off!
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