Once upon a time, there was a Mommy. Well, sort of. She was a Mommy in her heart, but she didn't have a baby. It's not that she wasn't happy. God had blessed her with a lot of wonderful people in her life. She had a husband who loved her. She had a comfortable home. She had friends and a church family who blessed her. She had a family who loved Jesus and supported her. She really had a full, rich life. But she didn't have a baby.
This Mommy didn't always want a baby. In fact, at one time she was scared of babies! She was happy to move to Africa and not have a baby. She got to live there for two years and travel around Europe. She was very happy and blessed to see so many new places and serve a wonderful group of people who lived in the mountains of North Africa. All of these things were good and a blessing, but one day, this Mommy and her husband decided that they were ready to have a baby.
At first, the Mommy thought it would be easy. But time passed, and no baby. She watched friends have babies. She saw people who were younger than her have babies. But still, she could not have a baby. She began to wonder if something was wrong with her. Her heart began to hurt. She was Mommy with no baby. Every month that passed made her dream of being a for-real Mommy less possible. She begged God for a baby. Her friends and family prayed that she would have a baby. But still, no baby.
The Mommy with no baby told God that she would cherish the baby He would give her. She said she would be happy to stay up all night and never sleep. She imagined that once that baby was home, she would always thank God for the baby.
One day, this Mommy was at work. She heard of a baby who had been abandoned at the hospital nearby. She heard that this baby need a Mommy and her heart was broken. It was no longer broken for her own sake, but for this little baby girl with no Mommy and Daddy. Who would teach this baby about Jesus? Who would rock her to sleep at night and pray for her? Who would hug and kiss this baby? That day, the Mommy knew that God wanted them to adopt a baby. She knew this baby girl was not theirs, but a new dream started.
Six months later, the Mommy and Daddy were ready to adopt a baby. They had filled out all the paperwork. They had prayed and prayed and finally, they were waiting. Two months passed. They thought they might be able to get a baby girl, but that did not work out. Finally, they heard about a little boy. This little boy was turned down by other families because he had been through so much and he wasn't even born. The Mommy and Daddy prayed for him and decided that if his Birthmom picked them, that they would trust God to take care of his needs through them.
Finally, one day, the Mommy was driving down the road and got a phone call. The person on the other end said that she should pull over before she told her something. Then, the news she had been waiting for. She was finally a Mommy to that precious little boy who was coming in three weeks! The Mommy sobbed and sobbed. Many months of waiting and many tears that were shed seemed to disappear in that instant.
The Mommy and Daddy welcomed that baby boy home one cold February day. They were in love with him and still are nearly two years later.
I wish this story went on
that the Mommy was grateful every day for the gift that she asked for. Some days she was very ungrateful to be up in the middle of the night with the little baby. Some days she got frustrated when she had to clean that little boy's face after every meal. Sometimes, she even lost her temper with that little boy. It is actually kind of sad how much she forgot that this little boy was a precious gift from God.
The truth is, this Mommy is a sinner who desperately needs God's grace. She needed him to save her from her sins and she needs Him every day to love her baby and to cherish him. She is quick to forget where she came from and how God has blessed her beyond measure. When hard times have come, she is quick to accuse God of not loving her. She is selfish and petty and hopeless.
But thankfully, God is gracious to her. He sent His Son to die on a cross so that she could be God's child. He pours out blessings on her. He is patient and loving. He forgives. He even said that her sins are as far away from her as the east is from the west. She does not deserve this love, but He still gives it.
This Thanksgiving I am beyond thankful for so many blessings in my life. I am thankful for my Savior and my God. God, help me to remember You and to grow in my love for You. Help me to be the Mommy that you have called me to be. And thank you for giving me this baby. And for this man you have given me to be my husband. I love you.
This Mommy didn't always want a baby. In fact, at one time she was scared of babies! She was happy to move to Africa and not have a baby. She got to live there for two years and travel around Europe. She was very happy and blessed to see so many new places and serve a wonderful group of people who lived in the mountains of North Africa. All of these things were good and a blessing, but one day, this Mommy and her husband decided that they were ready to have a baby.
At first, the Mommy thought it would be easy. But time passed, and no baby. She watched friends have babies. She saw people who were younger than her have babies. But still, she could not have a baby. She began to wonder if something was wrong with her. Her heart began to hurt. She was Mommy with no baby. Every month that passed made her dream of being a for-real Mommy less possible. She begged God for a baby. Her friends and family prayed that she would have a baby. But still, no baby.
The Mommy with no baby told God that she would cherish the baby He would give her. She said she would be happy to stay up all night and never sleep. She imagined that once that baby was home, she would always thank God for the baby.
One day, this Mommy was at work. She heard of a baby who had been abandoned at the hospital nearby. She heard that this baby need a Mommy and her heart was broken. It was no longer broken for her own sake, but for this little baby girl with no Mommy and Daddy. Who would teach this baby about Jesus? Who would rock her to sleep at night and pray for her? Who would hug and kiss this baby? That day, the Mommy knew that God wanted them to adopt a baby. She knew this baby girl was not theirs, but a new dream started.
Six months later, the Mommy and Daddy were ready to adopt a baby. They had filled out all the paperwork. They had prayed and prayed and finally, they were waiting. Two months passed. They thought they might be able to get a baby girl, but that did not work out. Finally, they heard about a little boy. This little boy was turned down by other families because he had been through so much and he wasn't even born. The Mommy and Daddy prayed for him and decided that if his Birthmom picked them, that they would trust God to take care of his needs through them.
Finally, one day, the Mommy was driving down the road and got a phone call. The person on the other end said that she should pull over before she told her something. Then, the news she had been waiting for. She was finally a Mommy to that precious little boy who was coming in three weeks! The Mommy sobbed and sobbed. Many months of waiting and many tears that were shed seemed to disappear in that instant.
The Mommy and Daddy welcomed that baby boy home one cold February day. They were in love with him and still are nearly two years later.
I wish this story went on
that the Mommy was grateful every day for the gift that she asked for. Some days she was very ungrateful to be up in the middle of the night with the little baby. Some days she got frustrated when she had to clean that little boy's face after every meal. Sometimes, she even lost her temper with that little boy. It is actually kind of sad how much she forgot that this little boy was a precious gift from God.
But thankfully, God is gracious to her. He sent His Son to die on a cross so that she could be God's child. He pours out blessings on her. He is patient and loving. He forgives. He even said that her sins are as far away from her as the east is from the west. She does not deserve this love, but He still gives it.
This Thanksgiving I am beyond thankful for so many blessings in my life. I am thankful for my Savior and my God. God, help me to remember You and to grow in my love for You. Help me to be the Mommy that you have called me to be. And thank you for giving me this baby. And for this man you have given me to be my husband. I love you.