Saturday, November 10, 2012

We Gotcha Jordan!

Tuesday, October 30 well forever be celebrated as Gotcha Day!  We had the privilege of going to court to finalize the adoption.  Jordan kept his hand up the whole time and really looked interested in what the lawyer and the judge were saying.  It was so special for our family!  We, of course, wished there were people who could have been there, but that's life and we wanted to celebrate our new family!
Even though we miss our family who isn't close, we are so blessed to have a church family who bless us in amazing ways.  One of our favorite ways is how they celebrate adoption.  So we threw a party and had Jordan's friends come and play with him.  He had a blast and we enjoyed getting to watch the kids love on him!
Here are some sweet kids who know a little about adoption:

And finally, we got to enjoy Fall Festival at our church on Wednesday.  Jordan was Charlie Brown, which has been planned since he was born.  Isn't he a cute little Blockhead?? :)